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Once you are the member,

we will ask for your permission to add your number into our whatsapp group titled:  "Victoria Announcement".  We all strictly observe the rules for the whatsapp group strictly to club's business and business related for our members.

Signing up for roles for a meeting,

we are currently signing up in a message in our whatsapp group, as we understand last minute changes due to work/travel or personal schedule.  We strictly observe the rules for signing up as it is not an easy job for the excom to put together the agenda every meeting.

For member roles in a meeting, please refer to here.  

Meet the mentors.

We encourage our seasoned members to step-up as mentors for new members - not only in how the club runs, but also helping new members with their speeches and delivery when needed.  Please click here for information of volunteering mentors from members of the club.

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