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Is PATHWAYS online or in print?

You can work online or in print.  Online does have some additional advantages – such as interactive quizzes, activities and information.  Some learning paths may be limited in print materials.  You can print the online materials.

What about my progress in the current educational system?

Once Pathways has been rolled out to every district, you will then have a two year grace period to complete any projects you have from the traditional program, and then move over to Pathways. Or you can progress in both programs at the same time.

Will the club meetings change?

No, the format of the club meeting will stay the same as is, centered on speeches, table topics, evaluations and meeting roles.

What about the Distinguished Club Program?

Just like the current program, Pathways features 10 DCP goals (six educational goals and four non-educational goals). While the six educational goals in Pathways are different from the six goals in the current DCP, they do function similarly.

For example, the fifth Pathways DCP goal—one member completing Level 4 in a learning path—will earn your club the same amount of DCP credit as the current fifth goal: one member earning a CL, ALB, ALS or DTM. Your club can choose to satisfy the six educational goals using the Pathways criteria, the current criteria or a mix of goals from both programs.

There will be a two-year transition period beginning when Pathways rolls out in the final region. During that time, the current DCP format will run simultaneously with the Pathways DCP format. You will have plenty of time before your club has to formally adopt the Pathways DCP criteria.

Is there still a DTM award?

Yes there is still a DTM.  The new requirements will be:

  • complete 2 learning paths;

  • serve as club officer for 12 months;

  • serve as a club mentor or coach;

  • serve as club sponsor or conduct Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program;

  • serve as District officer for 12 months;

  • complete the capstone DTM project (create and implement a project of your own design, demonstrating skills and expertise gained.)

Where do I get help?

Pathway guides have been assigned to each club. They have given presentations about Pathways at all clubs and are there to help you every step of the way.

If your club needs more help, just contact your Pathways Guide

Why do I need to disable my pop up blockers on Base Camp and how do I do so?

It is common configuration for learning management systems and other websites to open additional content in new windows. Often, these new windows are recognized as pop-ups by your web browser. Because projects, tutorials, and resources on Base Camp all open in new windows, your pop-up blockers must be turned off so your browser does not prevent you from accessing them.

For instructions on how to disable your pop-up blockers, find your browser name in the list below and click on the corresponding link:

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